About Me

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I am a writer of dark magical realism. All that is visible but rarely seen, all that is real but seems surreal, all that is dark yet radiates light.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


One of my favorite Facebook friends posed the question: Have you ever told someone all of your deep dark secrets?  Well, I don't have any deep dark secrets.  I have deep dark thoughts but I am too lazy and tired to act on them.  People love to tell me their deep dark secrets.  I'm not talking petty stuff either.  I believe it's because they are subconsciously picking up on my deep dark thoughts and feel they found in me a kindred spirit.  But, I'm not.  While I am egging you to go on, my nose is wrinkled up at your stories.  I love to hear your stories, but at the same time I hate them too.  It's both fascinating and frightening to realize there are people like you in this world .  I wish I could stop the world and let you off.


  1. The light in you you don't want to shine. Let it shine hun.

  2. I am shining. That's why you see me. Keep reading let me illuminate it all for you.

  3. How exactly can darkness illuminate?

  4. So nothing shines brightly in the dark?

  5. Only light sweetheart. You see.

  6. You know what dark is so stop trying to confuse me. I ain't ready to hear light is darkness all of a sudden. Watching dating in the dark and get a literal idea of what light and darkness is or are.

  7. How can I assume we are working with the same definition? Even in the dictionary the same word will have multiple meanings.

  8. You know what? You win. Dark is whatever you say it is.

  9. It wasn't a contest. We were sharing. Because sharing is caring. :-).

  10. A microscopic look at everything puts the devil in the detail. We know what we know but doubt it till we are affected and it becomes too clear without any details. I know you care and that's why you share. :-)

  11. Darkness doesn't mean evil. It means hidden. Enjoy yourself in the obvious all that is already known and commonly accepted has served the world well so far, huh? If you really want to see evil look at all people do in the name of what they call love.

  12. Now I understand what you mean by darkness. HIDDEN. Okay, I see what you mean. Silly me.

  13. For instance when I first started writing and asked people to read what I'd written they were shocked. This ability was hidden and kept in the dark. I am shining straight through the dark depths of my being(all that is hidden to others and even me) and out through my heart.

    But what some people are hiding to me is better left unseen. Note I said to me. Not that what they are doing is horrible, I just don't want to hear it. Certain topics make my uncomfortable but ironically what they share with me is a great source of inspiration and reflection. And though I may feel otherwise at times, for it is always jarring to have your world view skewed, I thank you. So yes, let the dark shine its light

  14. lol @ I wish I could stop the world and let you off.....brilliant!
